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Project theme
World Women Career Award(世界女性キャリア賞主宰)
The World Women Career Award aims to recognize excellent women who have influenced the advancement of women in society and to improve the status of women in their careers. This award will be awarded to each recipient with the result of cooperation with each sponsor and the United Nations and
NGO International Career Support Association & NGO JACE.
【Organizer】 United Nations , NGO International Career Support Association &
NGO JACE, Sponsored
【Selection Committee】 UN Geneva office, NGOs, others
【Selection method】 Recommendation by nominator in each region of the world
· Africa and the Middle East
· Oceania and the Pacific Region
· Europe and Russia
· South America, Latin America and the Caribbean Sea
· North America
Establish meeting three times a year.
<Selection criteria>
【Candidate】 Non (Nationality, religion, politics, philosophy of thought).
【Target of honorable achievement】 Honorable achievements for women's career that influenced people in the year
【Deadline · announcement】 September closed, announced in November
【Awards and others】 Excellence Award.